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TypeSwitch for Mac

Switch input methods for different apps.

In English
Version 1.0

TypeSwitch overview

TypeSwitch automatically switches input methods for different applications.

  • 🔄 Auto Switch: Automatically switch to preset input methods when changing applications
  • 🔍 Quick Search: Support fuzzy search for applications
  • 🎯 Precise Match: Set independent input method preferences for each application
  • 🚀 Auto Start: Support automatic startup
Keyboard Shortcuts:
  • ⌘ + F - Quick search applications
  • ⌘ + R - Refresh application list
  • ⌘ + Q - Quit application
  • 🎯 Quick Switch: Support customizable shortcut for switching current application's default input method

What’s new in version 1.0

  • Update AppIcon assets with new image files.
  • Refactor GitHub Actions workflow for Homebrew tap updates.

TypeSwitch for Mac

In English
Version 1.0
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