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Audio Normalizer for Mac

Audio, Music & Songs Volume Equalizer.

In English
Version 1.2.0

Audio Normalizer overview

Audio Normalizer provides a batch normalizing feature that helps users to balance all the music and audio files to equal volume in the most popular audio formats like MP3, M4A, WAV, AAC, FLAC, WMA, AIFF, AMR, AC3, MP2, OGG, M4R, AU etc with high accuracy and at maximum speed with a single click. Is it annoying to adjust the volume of each file individually? Download Audio Normalizer for Mac now. Audio Normalizer Features: 1 Equalize multi-audio files to the same volume with a single click. 2 Leveling the volume of MP3, M4A, WAV files directly losslessly. 3 Supports many popular audio formats: MP3, M4A, WAV, AAC, FLAC, WMA, AIFF, AMR, AC3, MP2, OGG, M4R, AU files. 4 Supports batch processing. 5 You can custom volume level. 6 Awesome Usability: Easy to use through a modern and clear user interface. Please note that volume of DRM-protected files can not be analyzed and adjusted.

What’s new in version 1.2.0

  • Runs natively on Apple Silicon M1, M2, M3 chips.
  • Bugs were fixed.

Audio Normalizer for Mac

In English
Version 1.2.0
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