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Readability for Mac

Analyzes text and generates recommendations on how to refine and/or tailor it for different audiences.

In English
Version 1.00

Readability overview

Readability is a full-featured text readability analysis program that can accept blocks of text, analyzes it using different methodologies, and generates recommendations on how to refine and/or tailor it to be more comprehensible to audiences.

  • Accepts user-provided text
  • Tailors readability analysis to specific writing contexts (e.g., academic papers, blog posts, legal documents)
  • Covers a wide range of readability indices, including Flesch-Kincaid Ease and Grade Level, Coleman-Liau Index, Automated Readability Index, SMOG Index, LIX Index, and the Gunning Fog Index
  • Dynamically updates readability metrics as you type
  • Generates tailored recommendations based on the content of your text
  • Visually represents readability scores
  • Save analysis results and recommendations to a file for future use
  • Fast and compact; no 30+ MB application baggage
  • Compatible with macOS Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma, and Sequoia
  • Universal binary: runs on both Intel and Apple Silicon CPUs

What’s new in version 1.00

  • Initial release.

Readability for Mac

In English
Version 1.00
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