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SpectraShop for Mac

Measure, analyze and store visible light spectra.

In English
Version 6.2.6

SpectraShop overview

SpectraShop™ is a program for measuring, analyzing and storing visible light spectra. It can measure spectra directly with various instruments, or import data from other programs. Spectral data can also be exported in several formats. In addition to individual specimens, SpectraShop has a very flexible chart definition and measurement feature. An impressive array of colorimetric values are displayed for each spectrum. Easy to use tools are provided for analyzing and visualizing spectral and colorimetric data.

What’s new in version 6.2.6

  • Fixed some bugs that crashed the program when using Photo Research instruments. Supported instruments are now the PR-655, PR-670, PR-730, PR-740, and possibly the PR-735 and PR-745.
  • Fixed a bug when importing SpectraShop 5 text files.
  • Added new error checking code for Photo Research instruments.
  • Changed the Instrument Connection window to allow for choosing the Illumination and Geometry for Photo Research instruments when making reflective measurements.
  • Added ColorBurst Systems CGATS.17 import capability.

SpectraShop for Mac

In English
Version 6.2.6
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(1 Reviews of SpectraShop)

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Nov 22 2024
Nov 22 2024
Version: 6.2.6
As per every dictionary ever written: "Visible light" is a redundant term. ALL light is visible to we humans. I repeat: ALL. If we can't see it, it's not light. Instead, it's elsewhere on the electromagnetic spectrum of energy. Ultraviolet "light" does not exist, and neither does infrared "light." Instead, they are INVISIBLE EM radiation (yes, "radiation"). There are several terms for invisible electromagnetic wavelengths/frequencies. None of them are "light." - - Bad Science is why this simple fact flies over the heads of so many.
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