EarQuiz Frequencies for Mac
Software for ear training on equalization and frequency bands.
Software for ear training on equalization and frequency bands.
Whether you make a living from music or this is your hobby; whether you are a seasoned sound professional or a student, trying to develop or master the ability to aurally recognize frequency bands; whether you are an audio specialist/artist of any kind (performer, producer, recording/mixing/mastering/live sound engineer, audio designer, DJ, etc.) or just someone who wants to teach himself/herself how to adjust an audio system with equalizer by ear, this application is for you! Educators in the audio industry may use this software to produce superb quality training and test materials for their students almost in no time.
This application is based on (and deeply inspired by) the world-renowned Golden Ears method of Dave Moulton, whose course is half dedicated to building this essential critical listening skill.
The program is Free Software, distributed under GNU GPL v3 License. It is free for any use, either personal or commercial!
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