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MacroTik for Mac

Manage your MikroTik devices.

In English
Version 1.71

MacroTik overview

MacroTik is a free macOS application for managing updates and reporting basic health and operating system data from MikroTik devices running RouterOS.

MacroTik helps make your life easier by storing your device credentials allowing you to easily update your devices with a few clicks. It also caches updates so you only have to download them once in the app rather than once per device!

Please note that MacroTik is beta software. Currently this means that if there are connectivity issues some of the error reporting is rather basic, however otherwise it is working well!

What’s new in version 1.71

  • It is now possible to revert to the latest stable RouterOS and RouterBOOT from testing versions with MacroTik
  • We now encourage people to use the API rather than the REST API as it is more reliable, so when adding a device MacroTik now defaults to this with a message encouraging it
  • Fixed a crash when comparing RC versions
  • Resolved a bug which made comparisons of test and release versions resolve incorrectly under certain conditions

MacroTik for Mac

In English
Version 1.71
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