rcmd - instant app switching with a rarely used key.
Switch apps instantly just by their first letter!
- Hold down the right side |⌘ command| and press the first letter of the app name to focus apps instantly
- The Dynamic algorithm will choose the most useful app for each letter
- The algorithm will adapt in real time to your workflow
- If apps live on separate spaces, rcmd will switch to the relevant space
- Switching spaces needs the following setting enabled: - System Preferences --> Mission Control --> "When switching to an application, switch to a Space with open windows for the application"
- When pressing the key while the app is already focused, you can use one of 2 useful functions
- HIDE: Show/Hide the app instantly
- CYCLE: Focus other apps with the same first letter
Assign custom keys for your favorite apps
- Hold down |⌘ command| + |⌥ option| and press any letter to assign that letter permanently to the currently focused app
- When an app is in the STATIC list:
- The assigned key can launch the app when it isn't running
- The HIDE/CYCLE setting can be adjusted on a per-app basis
Customize the app to your liking
- The Trigger setting allows you to change the Right Command trigger to any combination of modifiers
- This will come in handy if you have a keyboard without a Right Command key
- Disable specific letters from being registered by rcmd
- Click on the Settings button to find the Enabled Keys setting
- App Switcher UI
- You can optionally see running apps with their assigned keys while holding Right Command (or your custom trigger key)