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TotalXDR for Mac

Unlock the extra brightness of your Mac XDR display.

In English
Version 1.1.0
Based on 1 user rate

TotalXDR overview

TotalXDR is a macOS menubar app that removes the brightness limit of your MacBook Pro display and keeps XDR/HDR brightness always on.

  • Unlock Peak Brightness - TotalXDR doubles your MacBook Pro screen brightness to 1000 nits with the built-in XDR display. Perfect for outdoor use.
  • Zero Setup - Just a simple switch to help you turn on the XDR / HDR extra brightness upscale and unlock the screen's full brightness system-wide.
  • Pro Display XDR Support - Enjoy the full brightness and astonishing dynamic range in this best Retina 6K display! Multiple displays are supported.
  • Designed for Mac - TotalXDR is designed and built with Swift exclusively for Mac, and supports the latest macOS Monterey.

What’s new in version 1.1.0

  • Added support for MacBook Pro 2023 (M2 Pro/M2 Max)
  • Minor UI and UX improvements

TotalXDR for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.0
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Jan 22 2023
Jan 22 2023
Version: 1.1.0