Grila is a keyboard-driven instantly available calendar.
The calendar can be shown instantly using ⌥ Right Option + (backslash), which is configurable to any other hotkey.
Navigating to any date is done by typing just a few characters:
- 1...9 numbers will set the day
- A...Z letters will set the month
- ; (semicolon) then 1...9 numbers will set the year
- type "31O" (or "O31") to go to October 31st
- type "1AP" (or "AP1") to go to April 1st
- type "20JUL;1969" to go to July 20th, 1969
- Events and reminders list
- Unlimited theming possibilities (choose any color hue for both light and dark mode)
- Hourly Chime - hear a serendipitous chime every hour
- Pin Window - keep the calendar always on top in a semi-transparent state
- Compact Date menubar icon
- Optimal 3-months view, single month view and year view