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HomeSecurityAVG AntiTrack

AVG AntiTrack for Mac

The simple way to get your privacy back.

In English
Version 1.3.1

AVG AntiTrack overview

Whenever you browse, companies use your “digital footprint” to follow your activities. AVG AntiTrack can stop tracking and give you some real privacy.

  • We stop tracking in one click -- Once we detect someone’s trying to follow you, we’ll warn you and block them instantly – or we’ll make some fake fingerprints to throw em’ off.
  • We trick advertisers with fake digital fingerprints -- Advertisers can only build a portfolio by connecting the dots as you browse. So we make sure they connect the wrong dots.
  • Don’t pay more than you have to -- Prices online can be jacked up if retailers think you’ll be willing to pay. So we make sure to keep them guessing about your shopping habits.
  • Don’t get caught red-handed -- AVG AntiTrack also deletes tracking cookies and browsing history, so people on your side of the screen don’t know what you do online either.

What’s new in version 1.3.1

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

AVG AntiTrack for Mac

In English
Version 1.3.1
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