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attaché utility for Mac

File and folder listing utility.

In English
Version 2.1.2

attaché utility overview


  • List folders and subfolder contents up to 8 levels deep.
  • Print the listing or save it as a PDF document.
  • Export the listing as a CSV file for use with other software.
  • External, networked and iCloud drives are fully supported.


  • Use file listings to reorganize or catalog documents, music, movies, or photos.
  • The exported CSV file with file name, path, and related data can be edited, opened in a spreadsheet or used as AppleScript, Automator or Terminal input.
  • Listing flash drive contents eliminates the need to plug in devices to search for files.
  • An Applications folder listing provides a record of installed software with version number which is useful when restoring software or re-installing macOS.
  • Drag and drop libraries, /usr/, /private/, hidden files and system folders for IT professionals and advanced users.

What’s new in version 2.1.2

  • Updated user interface

attaché utility for Mac

In English
Version 2.1.2
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