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EmailScraper for Mac

Harvests email addresses from files, folders, and websites.

In English
Version 1.04

EmailScraper overview

EmailScraper makes it easy to extract nothing but email addresses from plain text (TXT), comma separated values (CSV), or Word docs (DOCX). You can also enter a URL and search particular websites as well. It will quickly find just the email addresses so you can export them as a single list to import into your favorite email program or service. It will remove any duplicate emails as well. It automatically searches subfolders, but you can uncheck the box to prevent it from doing so. You can also filter the results by domain name by choosing one of 10 popular domains, or you can add your own specific filters to either remove from the list or to keep only those domains you have checked. For instance, you can target a school or college audience by filtering by the ".edu" domain, or you can target a military audience by filtering by the ".mil" domain. You can also do a search for any term and export those results. Export options are plain text (TXT) and comma-separated values (CSV). You can either use the on-screen buttons or simply drag a file or folder onto the EmailScraper logo on the app's interface and it will begin the search automatically. Great for creating targeted email lists that get results for your email campaigns!

What’s new in version 1.04

  • Initial release

EmailScraper for Mac

In English
Version 1.04
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(1 Reviews of EmailScraper)

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Feb 10 2022
Feb 10 2022
Version: 1.04
Are email scrapers the new system cleaners? There's now a handful of these things and people are seriously asking money for a simple regular expression. Getting so tired of shovelware.
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