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HomeSystem UtilitiesApp Downloader

App Downloader for Mac

Homebrew cask catalogue search and downloader.

In English
Version 1.0.4

App Downloader overview

App Downloader lets you search for macOS apps in the homebrew cask catalogue

For each search result, the publisher's original download location is shown. Press on the download URL to start downloading using your web browser.

Implemented using the Github API to search the homebrew-cask repository.

Download locations are maintained by thousands of homebrew-cask contributors

What’s new in version 1.0.4

Version 1.0.4:
  • Created a landing page
  • Added Sparkle framework for automatic updates
  • Added Let's Move framework to automatically move the app to the application folder after download
  • For each app, a description is shown. For example, for GIMP, it says: "GNU Image Manipulation Program" and "Free and open-source image editor"
  • If you search for a lot of apps, you'll hit GitHub's API request limit. The error message is more descriptive in this case now

App Downloader for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.4
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