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Wondershare InClowdz for Mac

Cloud migration and management solution.

In English
Version 1.1.0

Wondershare InClowdz overview

Seamless Cloud Migration Between Different Services Migrating from one cloud service to another is now easier than ever. Instead of going through the hassle of "copying and pasting" your data manually, use Wondershare InClowdz. With a single click, it can migrate all files and folders from one cloud service to another. Comprehensive Syncing for Different Clouds Wondershare InClowdz supports all the leading cloud-based services like Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, Box, and Amazon S3. Using it, you can sync your data between different cloud services and accounts in a seamless manner. Manage All Cloud Services and Accounts in One Place It can get really tiresome and messy to manage different cloud services, accounts, passwords, and files. Why not connect all accounts in Wondershare InClowdz to upload, download, and manage your data easily.

Price: Free Plan, Monthly Plan: $9.95, Quarterly Plan: $19.95, Annual Plan: $59.95 Compare the plans

What’s new in version 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0:
  • Initial release

Wondershare InClowdz for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.0
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(1 Reviews of Wondershare InClowdz)

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Mar 10 2022
Mar 10 2022
Version: 1.1.0
This product is basic, affordable so I guess that's OK. What really sucks is the customer service. This is one of those tools that makes it impossible to get a refund or cancel your subscription. You HAVE to email them, and then you give you the runaround. DO NOT DO IT.
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