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SQLiteStudio for Mac

Create, edit, browse SQLite databases.

In English

SQLiteStudio overview

SQLiteStudio is a free, open source, multi-platform SQLite database manager written in C++, with use of Qt framework.

  • Free & open source. It's free of charge for everybody, for any purpose (including commercial). It's safe, as anyone can review source code.
  • Advanced SQL code editor. The SQL Editor window assists user with SQL syntax hints & highlighting, provides pretty-print code formatter, marks syntax errors. You can Ctrl+click on table mentioned in SQL query to open that table (or index, or trigger, or view).
  • Encrypted databases. Currently supported encrypted, password-protected SQLite variations are: SQLCipher, WxSQLite3 and System.Data.SQLite (the last one is under Windows only).
  • Multiple databases seamlessly. You can execute SQL statements that refer to multiple databases within single query, thanks to transparent database attaching mechanism built into the SQL Editor of SQLiteStudio.
  • Custom SQL functions. You can implement your own SQL functions (scalar & aggregate) using JavaScript or Tcl. There is repository of ready-to-use scripts on the wiki page.
  • Custom collation sequences. You can implement your own collation sequences (i.e. algorithms for comparing 2 values, that could be used in ORDER BY clause, etc).
  • SQL & DDL history. You need that query you executed 2 weeks ago? No problem. SQL Editor has a "History" tab. You need to upgrade production database the same way you did locally with SQLiteStudio? Use DDL History window - it has all DDL statements as executed by SQLiteStudio.
  • D&D between databases. You can Drag & Drop objects (tables, indexes, ...) between databases in order to copy or move them, with or without data.
  • Cross-platform. Works on all 3 major platforms - Windows, MacOS X, Linux. Can be compiled from sources on other, less common platforms (like FreeBSD, ...).
  • Portable distribution. No need to install it. Just download the package, decompress and run. No administrator rights are required.
  • Data populating. Do you need to test your application quickly with some pre-generated data? SQLiteStudio can populate tables for you with various strategies (constant, sequence, random number, random text, dictionary-based text, script code generated).
  • Importing/exporting. SQLiteStudio can import data from various formats (currently CSV or any text file using Regular Expression), or export to various formats (SQL statements, CSV, HTML, XML, PDF, JSON).
  • Scripting. The application currently supports QtScript (JavaScript) and Tcl scripting languages. Scripts can be used as generators for data populating, custom SQL functions, custom collation sequences).
  • Plugins. SQLiteStudio supports plugins of several categories. For example another scripting language can be added with plugin. Another import or export format, another table data populating strategy, another SQLite database format, SQL code formatter, code highlighter, table cell value representation renderer - all of these can be exteded with plugins.

Note: While the software is classified as free, it is actually donationware. Please consider making a donation to help support development.

What’s new in version 3.3.3

Version 3.3.3:

Rather small, yet important bugfix release. Includes update to the most recent SQLite (3.35.4) and brings back independent SQLite library file to allow user manual updates if necessary

Other notable changes are:
  • Expanded/collapsed state of connected databases is saved and restored upon next startup
  • The "DEFAULT" column on Structure tab is now correctly showing the default value (it was always empty in 3.3.2)
  • Fixed support for portable config directory (the "sqlitestudio-cfg") that was broken in prior 3.3.x version
  • Few bugs causing unexpected application crash were fixed, improving overall stability of the application
  • Import and Export dialogs are now rendered correctly under "Fusion Dark" theme
View older SQLiteStudio versions

SQLiteStudio for Mac

In English
Version 3.3.3
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