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Curiota for Mac

Note taking app with file storage capabilities.

In English
Version 3.4
Based on 1 user rate

Curiota overview

Yes, there are dozens of note taking apps out there for jotting down quick snippets. However, Curiota is unique in several ways

First, Curiota isn’t just for notes! It combines the abilities of a quick, lightweight note taking app with the flexibility of a file shoebox app

Curiota has a completely open method for storing your notes and files. There’s no proprietary database or file format, thus no database corruption issues or vendor lock-in. Your notes and files will be safe and accessible for decades, even outside of Curiota

Curiota has a simple, intuitive interface to create, browse, and search through your collected items, plus services and scripting support for more ways to add to your collections. It’s always available, running silently in the background, while using very little memory or CPU

You can store your Curiota notes and files anywhere you wish, including within a synced folder such as Dropbox or iCloud Drive, as long as it’s Spotlight accessible

Curiota can optionally integrate with Curio, our flagship note-taking, brainstorming, and task tracking notebook app

And, the best part: Curiota is free! No subscriptions

What’s new in version 3.4

Better Support for Plain Text File Notes (Including Markdown)
  • By default Curiota supports rich text (rtf, rtfd) documents for its notes.
  • This release adds much better plain text note functionality.
  • You can now create a Curiota note and give it a title which includes a plain text extension, like "Class Notes.md" or "Snippets.m" or "Vacation.txt", etc.
  • The resulting note file will have that same specified name.
  • Curiota will recognize that this is a plain text note and configure its editor accordingly (no fonts, colors, bold, etc).
  • You can rename the file via the note editor's title field.
  • You can Option-drag these note files from Curiota's Library directly into Curio Pro (or use Curio's Local library shelf) to create a synced file-backed text figure so that changes made in either app will sync to the other!
Curiota Share Extension Improvements
  • The Curiota Share extension now supports an optional title field.
  • As described above, if you specify a title with a plain text file extension, like "Notes.md", then the resulting note will be stored as plain text, instead of rich text, with that given file name.
Other Changes
  • Now bundling the latest MASShortcut (way up from 2.3.2) for better shortcut reliability.

Curiota for Mac

In English
Version 3.4
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(1 Reviews of Curiota)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Nov 17 2020
Nov 17 2020
Version: 3.3
Nice clean quick note making app.
Nov 17 2020
Nov 17 2020
Version: null