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Toucan 6 for Mac

Calendar, Todo, Notes and Project manager.

In English
Version 6.8.13

Toucan 6 overview

Toucan 6 is a compact personal Calendar + Todo + Notes + Project manager.

It’s available for Mac, iPad and iPhone and syncs with iCloud.

Top features:

  • Access all calendars registered in your device: Google, Apple, Exchange, Yahoo, AOL and custom CalDAV.
  • Access any date quickly.
  • Choose if a calendar will paint the dates of its events.
  • Find future calendar events instantly.
  • Draggable events
  • Alarms.
  • Pick dates directly from calendar.
  • Set a default calendar.
  • Set a color for specific days of the week (example: set red for all Saturdays and Sundays).
  • Attach unlimited photos, URLs, contacts, subtasks, locations, audios, phone numbers, emails to Toucan 6 own events. All the attachments are fully interactive with swipe actions.
  • Mark an event as done and a copy of the event will be archived in the section Completed (compatible with Toucan 6 and external calendars events).
  • Assign todo tasks to the calendar in 2 clicks.
  • Attach unlimited photos, URLs, contacts, subtasks, locations, audios, phone numbers, emails to your todo tasks.
  • Mark a task as done and a copy of the task will be archived in the section Completed (also the date when it was done).
  • Find todo tasks (or attachments) instantly.
  • This section is a blank sheet to write notes.
  • Create companies / organizations and set projects / products to them. Each project becomes a todo list.
  • iCloud sync is implemented with new official iCloud API featured by Apple.

What’s new in version 6.8.13

Version 6.8.13:
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the app attach YouTube web addresses to the events

Toucan 6 for Mac

In English
Version 6.8.13
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