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Auricula for Mac

Interval ear trainer.

In English
Version 2.1.1

Auricula overview

Auricula is your first choice if you want to practice your sense of hearing or do you need the skill to identify intervals for your musical development.

Features you don't want to miss:
  • Exercises with various degrees of difficulty: Ascending, Descending, Random and Simultaneous Intervals
  • Selection of intervals for your exercise: all, weakest and custom
  • Endless Mode with high score, where you have to identify the interval of the previously played note
  • Clear input of all intervals and displaying the right interval after three wrong inputs with automatic replay
  • Learning Progress Indicator for the overview of your abilities, displaying the average of the last and all-time exercises
  • Get reminded of your daily exercise in order to get a steep learning-curve

What’s new in version 2.1.1

Version 2.1.1:
  • Small bugfixes

Auricula for Mac

In English
Version 2.1.1
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