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HomeVideoFCPX Cut Finder

FCPX Cut Finder for Mac

Find the Cut for Final Cut.

In English
Version 1.5.0

FCPX Cut Finder overview

FCPX Cut Finder analyzes a movie and identifies cut and editing points, then sends the result to Final Cut Pro X.

Using FCPX Cut Finder is very simple: just drag the movie file you want to analyze to the window and press the "analyze" button. Once the movie is analyzed, the cut points are identified and for more control you can view these edits in another window to decide, cut by cut, if there is really a discontinuity. Once finished, press the "export" button: in the same folder of the source file an FCPXML file will be created which, imported in Final Cut Pro X, will show the cuts.

What’s new in version 1.5.0

Version 1.5.0:
  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

FCPX Cut Finder for Mac

In English
Version 1.5.0
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