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HomeFinanceAbacus Accounts SE

Abacus Accounts SE for Mac

Bookkeeping program for the self-employed.

In English
Version 4.0

Abacus Accounts SE overview

Abacus Accounts SE (Startup Edition) is a simplified version of the original, more comprehensive Abacus Accounts. It is designed as a basic and straightforward bookkeeping program for the self-employed or even for your personal accounts.

It uses the same double-entry system as the original Abacus Accounts program, but requires no prior knowledge of bookkeeping and, as such, is very easy to use. However, when your business grows and you require additional functionality (or you become VAT registered) it is easy to move up to the full program.

You can enter as many bank accounts/credit card accounts and income/expense categories as you need. Bank accounts and credit card accounts can be reconciled against statements and regular (monthly) bank payments set up. Reports can be printed for any required period. These may be used to produce the end of year accounts.

Please note, however, that various functions, such as VAT, Customer/Supplier accounts and repeat transactions, are not included in this version. If you require these (or multiple businesses) you will need the more comprehensive version (Abacus Accounts). A free, trial (Lite) version of this app. is available, to check for suitability, before purchasing.

What’s new in version 4.0

Version 4.0:
  • Minor improvements.

Abacus Accounts SE for Mac

In English
Version 4.0
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