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Kamenoko for Mac

You can consider an idea by placing colored hex-cells.

In English
Version 1.1.1

Kamenoko overview

Kamenoko is a new style idea processor. You can consider an idea by placing colored hex-cells.

Theme Selector: 9 color themes you can select

Expand Taxonomy List : You can analyze what the main theme word is. You can get taxonomic keywords from Wikipedia (English, Japanese).

Info embedded PNG: You can distribute Kamenoko-document embedded PNG image file. Kamenoko users can import document data and non-users can browse it as a Kamenoko document rendered PNG image. Built-in idea penmanship: You can learn how to make idea Other: Dark Mode, AirDrop support, Green background mode for chrome key composition, display mirroring

Export to AI: You can export Kamenoko document to Adobe Illustrator

What’s new in version 1.1.1

Version 1.1.1:
  • Use main theme as default file name
  • Change icons
  • Small changes

Kamenoko for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.1
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