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Rebaslight for Mac

An easy-to-use special effects editor.

In English
Version 3.7.2
Based on 1 user rate

Rebaslight overview

Rebaslight is an open-source, easy to use special effects editor. It helps you add lightsabers into your videos, lightning effects, different types of muzzle flashes etc.

Note: Rebaslight is free (no cost) to use as long as the "Made with Rebaslight" watermark appears on the output video/image. However, if you make a one-time payment of $25 you may remove this watermark forever

What’s new in version 3.7.2

  • Electron update

Rebaslight for Mac

In English
Version 3.7.2
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Sep 6 2021
Sep 6 2021
Version: 3.6.2