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ARGen for Mac

ActiveRecord database class generator for Xojo.

In English
Version 167

ARGen overview

ARGen automates the generation of ActiveRecord classes and template code for a database driven app. ARGen connects to an existing database, scans the schema, and creates a Xojo project to get development started quickly.

More than just class definitions, ARGen also creates user interface elements that perform simple browse, read, edit, add, and delete functionality.

Develop faster by leveraging the power of one of the most well known ORM libraries for Xojo. ActiveRecord offers the features professionals need without sacrificing the simplicity every citizen is hoping to find.

Give both a whirl, and simplify your database code.

ARGen creates projects specifically for use with Xojo.

What’s new in version 167

Version 167:
  • Fixed: API 2.0 Postgres template array issue

ARGen for Mac

In English
Version 167
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