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HomeDeveloper ToolsSupernova DSM

Supernova DSM for Mac

Bring mobile app UIs to life in minutes.

In English
Version 9.0
Based on 1 user rate

Supernova DSM overview

Supernova DSM: The code-enabled design system manager built for enterprise teams Close the gap between designers & developers with the world’s first code-enabled design system manager. Available on the cloud, for all systems, everywhere.

Your final source of truth
Tightly sync the design and code of all your tokens, components, patterns, and themes to design, iterate, and deploy at lightspeed. Maintain your design system universally across large cross-functional teams and tools to foster design system governance - including developers.

Connect DesignOps to DevOps
With highly customizable code exporters and flexible build process integration, design and development teams work and scale in tandem.

Work across all major design tools
Support for Sketch, AdobeXD, and Figma files. Work with the design tool in your preexisting workflow, interoperate in real-time, and never get locked into an editor.

Reduce design and code debt
One easy code-linked design system manager for all your teams eliminates manual syncing and enables automated workflows.

Innovate, cocreate, and deploy faster
All teams have access to the latest assets with full documentation. Push and pull whenever, wherever needed, with your own front-end code exporters for any platform or legacy framework.

Design seamlessly
Figma and Sketch plugins bring Supernova DSM into your design process so you can design with your team’s code-enabled design tokens and components in the design-code workflow.

Ship products faster than ever
The future is here. Push the boundaries of product design - at lightspeed. Learn more at Supernova.io

What’s new in version 9.0

Version 9.0:
New Features
Customizable Exporters

You can now build or customise exporters for any platform you want to support


Purpose-built, bleeding-edge templating language to make writing the exporters a breeze

Exporter Publishing

Whether you create a new exporter or customize an existing one, you can always share it with the community through your favorite tools and platforms such as GitHub

Exporter Downloading

Any published exporter can be loaded into Supernova just by providing link to it - and it will be installed automatically for you

Automatic Updates

All remote exporters can now be remotely updated so you can always stay on the latest version - even without updating Supernova itself!

New Documentation

We are proud to introduce our new developer documentation alongside the general release of V9, where you can learn everything there is about the new technology. Go visit developers.supernova.io now!

  • Supernova will now be more snappy and responsive
  • The top menu is rearranged a bit to better support new exporters and blueprints

Supernova DSM for Mac

In English
Version 9.0
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Oct 26 2020
Oct 26 2020
Version: null