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WebTorrent for Mac

Lightweight open-source Torrent client for desktop.

In English
Version 0.24.0

WebTorrent overview

WebTorrent is a streaming torrent client for the web browser and the desktop

WebTorrent is written completely in JavaScript - the language of the web - and uses WebRTC for peer-to-peer transport whenever possible. No browser plugins, extensions, or installation is required to use WebTorrent in your browser

  • Imagine a peer-to-peer YouTube where viewers help to host the site's content. By making BitTorrent easier to use, we can get more people to participate and take the first steps to re-decentralizing the Internet

What’s new in version 0.24.0

Version 0.24.0:
  • Support the .m2ts video container format
  • Update to Electron 10.1.0
  • Update the Windows installer loading image
  • Fix music metadata not showing up
  • Fix the "Play in VLC" functionality
  • Prevent shortcuts from activating when user input elements are focused

WebTorrent for Mac

In English
Version 0.24.0
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