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HomeMusic & AudioSpeaky MiniPlayer

Speaky MiniPlayer for Mac

A minimalistic music controller for Spotify.

In English
Version 1.0.0

Speaky MiniPlayer overview

Speaky MiniPlayer is a minimalistic music controller for Spotify that has an integrated robotic radio speaker. This robotic speaker provides information about the music you're currently listening to (such as title, artist, album...) by using a synthetic voice.

The goal is to emulate traditional radio programs where a speaker helps you discover new music by providing some context and additional information.

Nowadays it's easy to discover new music by playing pre-curated or artist-related lists, but unless we specifically go and look for information about the music we're listening to, chances are we're not going to remember anything about it. This mini app tries to help you learn more about the music you play.

Speaky MiniPlayer is a PC desktop app developed with electron and compatible with Windows, MacOS X and Linux.
  • Mini cover of the album currently being played, always visible by default
  • Play, pause, next track and previous track controls, only visible when hovering over the album cover (to keep the album cover clean and visible)
  • Information about the current track: title, album and artist
  • Direct link to the song's lyrics on AZLyrics (by clicking on the song title)
  • Direct link to the album's review on AllMusic (by clicking on the album's name)
  • Direct link to the artist's information on AllMusic (by clicking on the artist's name)
  • Configuration view where you can activate/deactivate the following features
  • Robotic speaker, by default activated when a new song starts playing
  • Always on top so that no window overlaps the current album cover
  • System notifications that display information about the current track when the song has changed (similar to the robotic speaker but less intrusive)

The Speaky MiniPlayer is currently only a "remote controller" for Spotify. This means that you cannot use it in order to play music by itself: you still need to have a Spotify client running somewhere.

You can keep the main Spotify player minimized however, since the miniplayer provides the controls you need most of the time. The purpose of the MiniPlayer is to provide a convenient and always-visible minimalist window, with only the information that you need, while keeping the powerful -but otherwise bulky- Spotify player hidden.

What’s new in version 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0:
  • Initial release

Speaky MiniPlayer for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.0
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(1 Reviews of Speaky MiniPlayer)

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Jun 10 2020
Jun 10 2020
Version: 1.0.0
Here is the VirusTotal scan result for those wondering: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/1f856b8880d965f05e7c347ad9bb3bdee2e6792744a8de3bc509760571468e9b/detection
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