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Clean Me for Mac

A free system cleaner.

In English
Version 1.4.2
Based on 2 user rates

Clean Me overview

Clean Me is a small macOS app that acts as a system cleaner (logs, cache, etc.)

Read this first

The developer does NOT recommend you to delete ALL of your cache (or cache of some specific programs). Cache files are what makes your program load faster and perform tasks faster. If you delete them, your program will not only start slower but will REGENERATE the cache files again. This will NOT save you some precious space on your disk. But if you do have a problem and want to delete the cache of some programs, you can click on the folder icon and search for that program and delete it this way.

If you have large log files, then you can delete these but first check the log files. A large log file mostly indicates that a program or your system really has some problems.

The developer recommends emptying the trash, deleting Xcode derived data and mail attachments once in a while.

You can see which folders are checked here.


Clean Me uses the pod 'STPrivilegedTask' to handle sensitive data like getting your root password. Clean Me does not save this password, nor it loads the password in a variable. If you do not trust Clean Me, then check its code or block all internet access with Little Snitch or RadioSilence (normally it shouldn't request an internet connection).

Enable full disk access to be able to remove iMessage attachments

To be able to remove iMessage attachments, Clean Me requires full disk access.

To enable full disk access:

  1. Pull down the  Apple menu and choose 'System Preferences'
  2. Choose "Security & Privacy" control panel
  3. Now select the "Privacy" tab, then from the left-side menu select "Full Disk Access"
  4. Click the lock icon in the lower left corner of the preference panel and authenticate with an admin level login
  5. Now click the [+] plus button to add the Clean Me app with full disk access
  6. Navigate to the /Applications/Utilities/ folder and choose "Clean Me" to grant Clean Me with Full Disk Access privileges
Example of a use case

When someone was running appium for iOS (with the Xcode webdriveragent), he saw that his disk gets filled with some files (available disk space was shrinking over time). But a DaisyDisk search did not reveal his problem.

After running this app, we saw that Xcode Derived Data had a size of 60GB and system logs (/var/private/folders) had a size of 25GB. It turned out that Xcode builds the WebDriverAgent every time a user started a test (explaining the large Xcode derived data folder) and that the app (payload) and screenshots that appium generated were saved in this folder: /private/var/folders. We fixed this issue by running a small script that cleans these 2 folders every week.

How to use

When you've opened the app, you have 4 options:

  • Click the app logo to see some other apps that I recommend (with links) and some links to this GitHub page (check for updates) and my webpage (but still need to write a page for it...).
  • Click analyze to see how much space each topic consumes (also those topics that are not selected). This will ask for your administrator's password for scanning the directories that require root. If you do not provide the password, Clean Me will just skip those files for which it requires root.
  • Click 'Clean' to delete all topics that are selected. If a certain topic requires root, it will ask for the password. Again, if you do not provide the password, it will skip those files.
  • Click the little folder icon to open the specific folder which will be cleaned.

What’s new in version 1.4.2

Version 1.4.2:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.15 or later

  • The 'analyse' button now has a green color and the 'Clean' button has gotten a blue color.
  • Fixed the spelling of the 'Analyse' button.
  • Added about window to check the currently installed version.
  • Updated copyright text in the about window.
  • Fixed behaviour of the advanced options switch and other related bugs have been fixed.

Clean Me for Mac

In English
Version 1.4.2
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(3 Reviews of Clean Me)

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Data Outlives Code
Data Outlives Code
May 5 2022
May 5 2022
Version: 1.4.2
I very rarely post reviews on MU as the community often does a good job in doing so. But this is different. The reviews just below mine seeks to disparage this developer for what? Attempting (and might I add failing) at releasing an OPEN SOURCE app that cleans your operating system? Because this nonsense that Mac's don't need to be cleaned? is just that, nonsense. There are many, many legitimate ""cleaners"" out there... of many breaths & widths. But to drag the dev, Kevin DeKoninck into the reviewers manic fit disguised as a public service? Is the reason I don't often post on MU. Because (as I've said elsewhere) the people behind MU should be deleting that review below this one that admits "this is not a review per se." So, Is this the way we in this community encourage FREE software? And to the dev? I tried installing all versions of Clean Me with no success. It just quits. Everyone of them, from your most recent to version 1.1.1. But please, keep it up. Some of us 'get it' and see that your effort, while it's not being realized? Is being appreciated by some of us.
Jul 20 2020
Jul 20 2020
Version: 1.4.2
This is not a review per se, it is a discussion of the class of software to which this program belongs. As a public service to the MacUpdate community, I've found as many of these "cleaner" apps on this website as I could and listed them them below. (I did a search for 'cleaner'.) If MacUpdate will let me, I intend to post this every time a new or updated version of one of these things shows up on this site. There are 35 in the list, and it seems like new entries in the 'Mac cleaner' market space pop up every day, metastasizing like a cancer. Unfortunately, more is not better. They are all of dubious value. Many have no reviews at all. Many have what look to be essentially fake 5-star reviews with no useful commentary. Many -- probably the most accurate and honest -- have negative reviews, by users who have been burned by them. Most of the developers' descriptions boast about what a great job they do, but the truth is, there are no good, comprehensive, head-to-head reviews of these programs by impartial 3rd parties. True experts in macOS maintenance advise against using any of them, because in general they serve little useful purpose and they can easily do more harm than good. Macs simply do not need "cleaning." (See for example: https://www.thesafemac.com/the-myth-of-the-dirty-mac/) Some of these programs are notorious for being little more than malware. The user is well-advised to read any program documentation and make a RELIABLE BACKUP before attempting any changes. If I have missed any programs that should be on the list, please leave a comment and let me know. I will rate all these programs with one star, probably one more than they deserve. And I would appreciate comments. If you disagree, please speak up. But if all you can come up with is 5 stars and a sentence or two saying that program X is great and I don't know what I'm talking about, please save your breath. No one here will take you seriously. And I apologize for the almost unreadable formatting, a severe limitation of MacUpdate itself, which compresses maximum text into minimum space, leaving no whitespace for readability. :: BEGIN LIST: : Aooro : App Cleaner & Uninstaller : AutoTrash : AweCleaner : CleanGeeker : Clean Me : Cleaner One Pro : CleanMyMac X : Combo Cleaner : Disk Aid : Disk Cleaner : Disk Cleaner Pro : Disk Health : DiskKeeper Advanced Cleaner : DiskKeeper Cleaner - Modern : DiskKeeper Pro : Doctor Disk Cleaner : HD Cleaner : MacBooster : Mac Cleaner : MacClean : MacClean360 : MacCleaner Pro : MacCleanse : MacEnizer : Mojave Cleaner : PowerMyMac : Pro Disk Cleaner : Quick Cleaner : Sensei : Stellar SpeedUpMac : TrashMe 3 : Washing Machine : WeCleanse : Wise Mac Care :: END LIST : :: The only system maintenance tool I recommend is TinkerTool System, a true bargain priced at only $14 for a single license. TinkerTool System is a an exceptional piece of quality engineering, safe when used properly, and superbly documented, with in-depth tutorials for every option. As for the rest, listed above, it is safe to say that nobody who really knows what they're doing with Macs and macOS will touch them. Don't get sucked in by a pretty interface. You may very well regret it. -SB
Septic Monkey
Septic Monkey
May 26 2020
May 26 2020
Version: 1.4.1
First impression ... Seems like a simple-to-use, but useful app. That is, if it actually did something. After 5 attempts to clean, the app just unexpectedly quits. Uninstalled for now, but I will look for updates in the future when this problem is fixed.
Jul 20 2020
Jul 20 2020
Version: null
Septic Monkey
Septic Monkey
May 26 2020
May 26 2020
Version: null