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Timeless for Mac

Distraction-free clock for your toolbar.

In English
Version 2020.7

Timeless overview

Timeless is a subtle clock replacement. It helps you feel less anxious about the time and more focused on how you should be spending it.

Avoid stress:

The clock can be a distraction for me. It imposes stress and distracts me while I try to get work done.

If you're anything like me, these will sound familiar:

  • 10.00 "Only 10 am?? It feels like I’ve been doing nothing."
  • 11.30 "Better not start something new, it’ll be lunch soon."
  • 14.00 "Sheesh this day is never going to end…"
  • 16.00 "It’s already 4 pm?? I did nothing today and it’s too late to start now."
The indicator:

Timeless gives you a generic idea of what part of the day you’re in: morning, lunch time, noon etc.

The current indicator shows a range between 8am and 12pm. The actual time can be anything in between.

By making the clock less specific, it reduces the sense of dread some hours of the day might give you.

Customizable ranges:

Time ranges are very personal. The preferences screen allows you to setup segments that suit your day.

The indicator will benefit you most on work days. If you're not working you might want to disable it. Customize the schedule to reflect your week.

Easy to adopt:

Don't worry about losing time completely with Timeless. You can optionally display a clock when you're not working.

If the indicator isn't showing a range, it can display the time instead. Just like you were used to.

You can even customize which date components are shown in the menu bar. Show just the time. Add the day of the week or even the full date.

What’s new in version 2020.7

Version 2020.7:
  • A brand new digital alternative to the analog indicator! If you're not a fan of the standard visualization, switch to something that you might find easier to read

I now update the menu item and status bar elements separately The external dependencies have been updated

  • A few bugs have been squashed

Timeless for Mac

In English
Version 2020.7
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