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TrashRecover for Mac

Automatic backups of your 'Trash'.

In English
Version 1.0.1

TrashRecover overview

TrashRecover automatically makes backups of your 'Trash' so that you can restore deleted files. TrashRecover is especially useful for laptops and any other Macs where setting up the 'TimeMachine' is not feasible or convenient.

Since TrashRecover makes backups of your files before you delete them, it avoids having to use expensive and dangerous 'file-system-level' file recovery tools.

If you've ever deleted a file and then changed your mind and wanted to have it back, TrashRecover is for you!

Since TrashRecover works using state-of-the-art 'APFS file cloning' it is super fast and efficient and it can be configured to use as much or as little disk-space as you want. You can also as exclude some files from backup automatically, delete them manually or pause TrashRecover at any time.

What’s new in version 1.0.1

Version 1.0.1:
  • Fixed problem where an explanation text didn't show up
  • Fixed problem where the backup size exception didn't work

TrashRecover for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.1
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