Rowmote Helper for Mac
Remote control for your Mac.
Remote control for your Mac.
Rowmote is just like your Mac’s remote control but over the wireless network. On the flip side, by tapping the Apps button, you get bonus abilities, switching between most controlled programs and toggling the iTunes Visualizer. Rowmote controls Front Row, Airfoil Video, Adobe Lightroom, Amarra, Aperture, Audirvana, BBC iPlayer, Beamer, Boxee, Decibel, DVD Player. Ecoute, eyeTV, Firefox, Hulu Desktop, iPhoto, iStopMotion, iTunes, Keynote ’08 and ‘09, kJams Pro, Kodi,, Logic Pro, Movist, mPlayer, OpenOffice Impress, PandoraBoy, PandoraJam, PandoraOne Desktop, Plex (Home Theatre, Media Center, and OpenPHT), Popcorn Time, Powerpoint 2004 and later, Preview, Prezi, Rdio, Quicktime, Safari, Skim, Songbird, Spotify, Squire, Tidal, The Tube, VLC, and XBMC. Rowmote can even sleep and wake your computer!
Rowmote Pro adds a wireless multitouch touchpad and keyboard - complete with landscape mode, two finger scrolling and right clicking, dragging, three and four finger gestures, accented / extended character support, and more - to the clean and powerful remote control of Rowmote! Rowmote Pro replaces the need for a separate mouse & keyboard to fully control your Mac.
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