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HomeVideoMagic Bullet Looks

Magic Bullet Looks for Mac

Powerful looks and color correction for filmmakers.

In English
Version 13.0.17

Magic Bullet Looks overview

With the Magic Bullet Looks plugin you can choose from over 200 brand-new Look presets, designed to match your favorite movies and TV shows. Every preset is fully-customizable.

Alter the presets by adding or removing tools along the toolchain, or just build a look from scratch by combining any of the 41 tools.

The color correction experience in the industry happens because of a great set of tools and a great way to use them. The Magic Bullet Looks UI makes the process of color grading intuitive and easy.

What’s new in version 13.0.17

Version 13.0.17:
  • Fixed a conflict when Magic Bullet Suite was installed alongside Universe and fixed a licensing issue that caused watermarking on some set ups.

Magic Bullet Looks for Mac

In English
Version 13.0.17
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