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Pipvid for Mac

Snaps videos to any corner.

In English
Version 2021.1

Pipvid overview

Pipvid adds a picture-in-picture mode to VLC and QuickTime. Ideal for watching videos in the corner of your screen while you work on something else.


Keep a video running while working on other tasks simultaneously.

  • Play a tutorial video while you work on the example project.
  • Transcribe the contents of an interview.
  • Simply enjoy your favorite series while you browse the internet.
Snaps to any corner

After Pipvid is activated, the player windows of both VLC and QuickTime will be magnetized and snap to any corner of any screen attached to your Mac.

Floats on top

Pipvid will automatically toggle Floats on Top for VLC and QuickTime when activated.

This means that apps will remain underneath your video. Continue doing what you doing while the movie you started remains on screen.

What’s new in version 2021.1

Version 2021.1:
  • Native support for Apple Silicon.
  • Restored assign to all desktops. (macOS Big Sur)
  • Restored native PiP toggling with QuickTime. (macOS Big Sur)
  • Native PiP-agent monitoring properly toggles on and off with Pipvid.

Pipvid for Mac

In English
Version 2021.1
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