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Hyperfocus for Mac

Say goodbye to annoying invasive app notifications.

In English
Version 1.0.0
Based on 2 user rates

Hyperfocus overview

Hyperfocus is a tool aimed at helping the users manage their working time (and their personal life as well) in the best possible way. Hyperfocus, in fact


allows the user to improve his productivity by blocking the notifications of all those apps that could make him lose concentration, allowing him to optimize his time and to fight procrastination.

It is a useful tool, and nonetheless also simple and intuitive: the user will be able to pause the flow of notifications for the time necessary to focus on his job (or to enjoy a special moment without being interrupted). The user can choose from a predetermined list of apps to block, or he can add to the list any app that he wishes to block by simply tapping on a button.

What’s new in version 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0:
  • Initial release

Hyperfocus for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.0
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(1 Reviews of Hyperfocus)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Apr 13 2020
Apr 13 2020
Version: 1.0.0
It's not clear what this app actually does on a technical level. That doesn't fly on desktop. Does it manage NSStatusItem apps? Does it just kill a few? There's no information at all for what this really does, just a bunch of marketing speak and a pretty website with fake testimonials.
Apr 12 2020
Apr 12 2020
Version: null
Apr 12 2020
Apr 12 2020
Version: null