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Gitify for Mac

Your GitHub notifications on your menu bar.

In English
Version 4.3.1

Gitify overview

Ever got lost with GitHub notifications? Too many emails? Gitify is all about making your life easier. Sitting on your menu bar, it informs you for any GitHub notifications without being annoying and of course without adverts. It just gets the job done. Works with GitHub and GitHub Enterprise. You can even connect multiple accounts.

It's about your preferences.

Gitify will notify you every time you receive a notification by playing a sound (not an annoying one - it's a promise), showing native mac OS notifications or by just turning its tray icon to green. It is not there to interupt your workflow or distract you, you can customize your settings to your preference.

What’s new in version 4.3.1

Version 4.3.1:
  • Fix: Capture callback by will-navigate event (#509) @yyar
  • Dark mode not toggling with system
  • Unsubscribe button ignoring thread subscription
  • Remove all read messages

Gitify for Mac

In English
Version 4.3.1
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