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Slash for Mac

Work 2x faster through hyper-focus.

In English

Slash overview

Slash is the ultimate productivity app. Work 2x faster through hyper-focus.


Hyper Focus

Your current task stays pinned on screen so you know where to focus, at all times.

Stay in Flow

Complete task after task without searching for what to do next. Constant flow state.


Dig into your productivity and watch your progress with our dashboard.

Any Platform

Add tasks on the go from iOS or Android, then Slash through them on Mac or Windows. Linux coming soon!


Slash provides every possible setting to make it flexible to your perfect workflow

More features to keep you focused.


The technique of working for 25 minutes intervals with 5 minute breaks.

Time Tracking

Automatically track the time you spend on each task, and see work time totals for each day.

Time-Driven Tasks

A task titled "Emails for 20 minutes" will start with a 20 min timer.

Eisenhower Matrix

A special tool to mark tasks as urgent and/or important to automatically prioritize.

Global Task Entry

Easily add tasks from any app without interrupting your flow.

Task Notes

Save links, comments and other details for each task.

Keyboard Shortcuts

16 and counting. Do it all at light-speed with no mouse.

Auto-Link Opening

Any web links in the task notes open in browser when you start the task.

Satisfying Sounds

Choose from a library of ultra-satisying sound effects for completing a task.

What’s new in version 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0:
  • Stats: Time-tracking now spreads across multiple days, rather than only the day the task is completed.
  • Stats: Customizable date ranges!.
  • Stats: Fixed Pomodoro tracking!
  • Quick Entry: Fixed bug with Slash hiding itself after using saving a quick entry task.
  • Billing: New 'Edit Billing' page with option to change plan & update credit card.
  • Scheduling: Fixed several bugs with selecting scheduled time.
  • Referral Code field is back in the signup UI.
  • New: In-app help desk with how-to articles!
  • Fixes for using Slash with multiple monitors.
  • Fixed occasional freezing of drag-n-drop function.
  • TONS of small bug fixes around the app.
View older Slash versions

Slash for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.0
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