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HomeSystem UtilitiesOS X Lion Server Update

OS X Lion Server Update for Mac

Update for OS Lion Server to 10.7.5.

In English
Version 10.7.5

OS X Lion Server Update overview

The 10.7.5 update is recommended for all servers currently running Lion Server.

What’s new in version 10.7.5

Version 10.7.5:

This update includes general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility, migration and security of your server and specific fixes for:

  • maintaining Spotlight index when changing share point settings
  • creating and connecting to Open Directory master
  • improved reliability of password authentication
  • using Software Update Server to automatically download and enable software updates
  • reliably booting NetRestore images created with System Image Utility
  • using Profile Manager to set the Mobility sync frequency settings for mobile accounts
  • improved reliability when changing an Xsan metadata controller into a client

OS X Lion Server Update for Mac

In English
Version 10.7.5
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(2 Reviews of OS X Lion Server Update)

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Sep 22 2020
Sep 22 2020
Version: 10.7.5
sorry to say my macbook 10.7.5 late 2006 Lion, would not open the server,,, Help
Feb 19 2020
Feb 19 2020
Version: 10.7.5
Um, what? -> "Post Date: Sep 19, 2012" <-When Apple posted the very last version of OS X Lion Server, v10.7.5. Nice as this version was, it requires a lot of updates to be safe/usable. (I wish Apple hadn't messed up Server, *sigh*).
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