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nCoV Monitor for Mac

Chinese Novel Coronavirus situation.

In English
Version 1.8
Based on 2 user rates

nCoV Monitor overview

Stay informed on the Chinese Novel Coronavirus situation. nCoV Monitor provides the latest and the most elaborate information summary on Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak and the interactive map of disease’ spreading.

All statistics and rates are collected from trusted and credited sources and being updated on a regular basis. You can also access the historical data to see the progression. Information is the first line of defence, so be the first to know when the danger comes too close. Don’t panic and stay healthy.

Important! The statistical data is provided by our own informers and then processed and checked by our analysts. Moment-to-moment figures may be different from those provided by the official sources.

What’s new in version 1.8

Version 1.8:
  • Ability sorts on breakdown screen
  • Search on breakdown screen
Improvements & fixes:
  • Improved graphs
  • Bug fixes & stability improvements

nCoV Monitor for Mac

In English
Version 1.8
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(2 Reviews of nCoV Monitor)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Mar 10 2020
Mar 10 2020
Version: 1.5
Out of curiosity, I just downloaded this app in order to determine how accurate it is compared to the statistical web pages which are maintained by Johns Hopkins University on the ArcGIS Online website. From a quick look at the main statistics, the numbers are about the same, and in some cases exactly the same. So it may very well be that that Agency Coidea -- the Ukraine-based creators of this app -- gets their statistics from the same source. If I were to make one suggestion regarding the app, it would be that on the "By countries" screen, you make it possible to list the stats in ascending or descending order, and also sort by country, by confirmed, by recovered, or by dead. For example, if I want to list by confirmed, from the greatest to the least, I would click or tap on the "Confirmed" header to see the data listed in that order. At any rate, this app is a good companion for the stats provided by Johns Hopkins University. If you are interested, you will find the university's desktop and mobile trackers at the following URLs: Desktop Tracker: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 Mobile Tracker: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/85320e2ea5424dfaaa75ae62e5c06e61
Feb 11 2020
Feb 11 2020
Version: 1.4
Up-to-date and comprehensive
Mar 10 2020
Mar 10 2020
Version: null
Feb 11 2020
Feb 11 2020
Version: null