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Insomnia for Mac

Debug APIs like a human, not a robot.

In English
Version 2020.5.2

Insomnia overview

Insomnia is a powerful HTTP and GraphQL tool belt.

Main features:
  • Create HTTP requests - Specify URL, payload, headers, and authorization all in one place. Then just hit send.
  • View response details - Get all the details on every response. View status code, body, headers, cookies, and more!
  • Organize everything - Create workspaces or folders, drag-and-drop requests, and easily import and export your data.
  • Reusable Values - Reuse API keys or session IDs. Define environment variables globally or switch between sub-environments for a seamless development/production workflow.
  • Code Snippet Generation - Generate http code for over thirty language libraries, including Curl, NodeJS, Go, Swift, Python, Java, C, and others.
  • Beautiful Interface - Get started quickly with Insomnia's intuitive interface, and choose from nine unique themes to tailor the experience to you.

What’s new in version 2020.5.2

Version 2020.5.2:
Minor Tweaks:
  • Updated metrics counters for requests

Insomnia for Mac

In English
Version 2020.5.2
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