Everything you need to boost the development of your own electronics devices. SmartScope software combined with the Lab-Nation hardware is the oscilloscope in the world that runs on all major platforms: Windows, OSX, Linux, Android and iOS (with wifi bridge). Connect the SmartScope to pretty much any device!
The oscilloscope software supports the hardware and provides the following capabilities:
Oscilloscope Functions
- Bandwidth 30 MHz -3dB point
- Sample rate 2 × 100 MS/s
- Channels 2
- Max pre-trigger position 16 × full scale
- Max post-trigger position Full scale
- Max full voltage scale 10V/div ±35V input range
- Min full voltage scale 20mV/div
- Analog input range -35V, +35V
- Max input peak-to-peak 40V
- Signal coupling AC / DC
- Precision 8 bit
- Input impedance 1 MOhm // 10 pF
- Waverforms 200 waveforms/s
- Data delay to host Sample depth Up to 4 million samples per channel
- External triggering
Logic Analyzer
- Input channels 8
- Input impedance 100kOhm // 2pF to GND
- Sample rate 100 MS/s
- Logic level 1,8 V to 5,0 V
- Diode protection Bidirectional
- Input data buffer 4 million samples
- Waveforms 200 waveforms/s
- Data delay to host Protocol decoders I2C, SPI, UART, I2S integrated User extensible
Wave Generator - Analog Output
- Channels 1
- Data rate Up to 50 MS/s
- Output level 0 - 3,3 V Opamp driven
- Output buffer Up to 2048 samples
- Max slew rate 30ns/V
- Step 13 mV
Wave Generator - Digital Output
- Channels 4
- Data rate Up to 100 MS/s
- Output level 3,3 V or 5 V selectable
- Output buffer Up to 2048 samples
- Diode protected