Mochi for Mac
Flash cards to help you study.
Mochi is an app that aims to help you study. It uses a type of flash card system called spaced repetition to optimize your study time and retention rate. Your flashcards will be stored into decks. You can create new decks by clicking "Add Deck" on the sidebar to the left.
In addition to decks of flash cards, you can also create notes, and link them to cards or other notes.
Mochi uses markdown for creating both notes and cards.
The spaced repetition that Mochi uses is very simple. Each time you recall a card during one of your reviews, the amount of days before it shows up for review again doubles. If you are unable to recall a card, the interval between reviews halves.
So, for example; the very first time you review a card, it will show up for review the next day. If you happen to recall the card, it will show up for review two days later, and so on.
Before any new card shows up for review, it must be learned first. Learning a card will place it in the review pile, due the following day. This means you can add as many cards as you want to your deck and gradually add them to your review pile at your own pace.
All cards that have been learned will have a due date. Any card that's due on or before today will show up in the "Due today" pile. I recommend completing all of your reviews in the morning and learning new cards at night.
Note Pro version is available here
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