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DEVONthink for Mac

Knowledge base, information manager, and much more.

In English
Version 3.9.7
Based on 8 user rates

DEVONthink overview

DEVONthink is your paperless office. It stores all your documents, helps you keep them organized, and presents you with what you need to get the job done.

  • Keeps your data together
  • Scans your paper
  • Archives your email
  • Assists you with A.I.
  • Syncs your data securely
  • Automates repeating tasks
  • Lets you share your data

What’s new in version 3.9.7

Today's release adds application scripts for Google Chrome, as well as a new script to add the current Safari tab to DEVONthink's Reading List. In the Extras sidebar you can easily capture our blog posts into your database. The update also improves Markdown transclusions, WikiLinks handling, and WYSIWYG views. Date-based search prefixes now support abbreviated forms and proximity searches produce better results. As always, we've yet again made DEVONthink more performant and reliable.

NOTE: DEVONthink now requires macOS 11 Big Sur or later.

  • Added an application script Add current tab to DEVONthink's reading list for Safari.
  • Added application scripts for Google Chrome. In Chrome, enable View > Developer > Allow JavaScript from Apple Events to run these.
  • In the View > Extras sidebar, make a secondary click on a selected tip and choose Import Tip to capture it as an HTML file to the Global Inbox.
  • Dropping a media file or PDF document into Markdown now inserts it as a transcluded file.
  • Markdown blockquotes are displayed more consistently between WYSIWYG and the rendered view.
  • Characters in square bracket WikiLinks are no longer escaped when converting rich text to Markdown, avoiding broken links in the resulting document.
  • A lang attribute is used when viewing Markdown documents or converting them to HTML. The attribute is derived from language Markdown metadata or the current locale.
  • Clicked links in clipped HTML, Markdown, or web archives are better handled.
  • When clicking WikiLinks or item links, the current tab, view, or pane remains focused, allowing quicker backward navigation to the original document, e.g., via the Go > Back command.
  • Placeholders with formatting characters in Markdown templates, e.g., ***%shortDate%*** work more reliably.
  • PDF documents created by dragging and dropping data, e.g., page thumbnails from the Thumbnails inspector, are better named.
  • .enex files are skipped when indexing external folders containing them as their contents adversely affect the index and concordance. Direct import of the files is still supported.
  • Better import of XML or HTML documents with certain UTF-16 encodings.
  • Images copied from DiffusionBee can be used with the Data > New > With Clipboard command.
  • Improved clipping to the Sorter from Google Chrome when View > Developer > Allow JavaScript from Apple Events in Chrome is enabled.
  • Web pages with lazily loaded images are more reliably clipped.
  • The Edit > Summarize command provides better results.
  • You can use shortened forms of date-based search prefixes: added: (addition date), created: or date: (creation date), modified: (modification date), opened: (opening date), and due: (due date). The long forms are still supported so existing automations remain unaffected.
  • Search prefixes support the equality operators tags=="" and tags!="".
  • Proximity-based searches produce better results.
  • The toolbar search option "Fuzzy" is now named Fuzzy Word Comparison.
  • Revealing items is more reliable, especially when using the option to retain the current view.
  • In macOS Sequoia, the window title is now also shown with Icon only toolbar mode.
  • When setting a larger View Text Size via the General > Appearance preferences, the thumbnail icon scales better, the vertical alignment of some List view columns is more consistent, and better line spacing improves readability. This also applies to the Search and See Also & Classify inspectors.
  • In Column and List views an adjusted line spacing improves the readability.
  • You can now close all the tabs of a main window, leaving it with no selection.
  • The Table of Contents inspector better supports rich text documents.
  • The Document inspectors update more efficiently while editing or annotating a document.
  • The Search inspector now better locates and highlights occurrences when using complex proximity-based searches.
  • The "Copy/Paste Font" commands in the Format > Font menu are now Copy/Paste Style.
  • VoiceOver support is available in the Tags filter and the details of Column view.
  • Retrieval of WikiLinked records and mentions, e.g., via AppleScript or in the Document > Links/Mentions inspectors, is now faster and more reliable.
  • Related tags are retrieved more quickly.
  • When running a smart rule via the Tools > Perform Rules menu, the prompt now shows the number of matching items that will be affected by it.
  • Revised, more consistent application scripts for Safari.
  • AppleScript queries using the whose clause return results faster and more reliably.
  • The x-devonthink://search URL command and DEVONthink 3: Lookup service display the results in a frontmost window.
  • Responding to changes in the file system is more efficient, especially with networked volumes.
  • Improved overall reliability and performance.
Improved (Pro)
  • The email list in the Import > Emails sidebar scales better when changing the text size.
  • Related words in the Concordance inspector are retrieved up to twice as quickly.
  • The Concordance inspector's Related Words map only shows words found in at least two documents.
  • The scripting dictionary description of the add custom meta data AppleScript command is clearer.
Improved (Server)
  • In Preferences > Server > General, .pfx files can now be imported, too, and therefore the "Import P12 file" command is now Import P12/PFX file.
Improved (Sync)
  • WebDAV upload and download requests now retry more reliably when encountering errors.
  • The handling of Bonjour timeouts has been improved, especially when dealing with very large databases or a high number of items to sync.
  • Committing sync data is now more efficient and may improve importing databases with many replicants or tags.
  • Automatic WikiLinks didn't work or render properly in an unhealthy database. Fixed.
  • RSS articles converted to Markdown gathered images but didn't update the Markdown source. Fixed.
  • When DEVONthink encountered broken unicode sequences, Markdown, plain text, and HTML documents couldn't be saved. Fixed.
  • Copying selected text from a PDF didn't always work. Fixed.
  • Closing PDF documents could incorrectly prompt to save changes if edited text annotations were visible, even after manually saving the file. Fixed.
  • Efficient saving of PDFs was impossible when using link annotations to other pages in the document. Fixed.
  • WikiLinks containing both Latin and Asian characters wouldn't work. Fixed.
  • Clicking on a WikiLink with no matching item always created a document, even if Only groups was enabled in the WikiLinks preferences.
  • Some cells in sheets could have incorrect colors. Fixed.
  • When opening a search result in its own document window, the matching search terms didn't remain highlighted. Also, when opening multiple search results in tabs via the alternate Data > Open in Tabs command, highlights weren't shown on each tab. Fixed.
  • An invalid wildcard in a search could crash the app. Fixed.
  • Proximity operators between phrases didn't always work. Fixed.
  • The backward/forward buttons in the path bar weren't updated after revealing an item. Fixed.
  • In some cases, the Sorter didn't appear if it contained an unfinished note. Fixed.
  • When switching between macOS' light and dark modes, only the current tab was affected. Fixed.
  • Hiding DEVONthink didn't hide detached popovers, e.g., the Go > To Group popover if they were opened by a workspace or on startup. Fixed.
  • The contextual menu displayed incorrectly when nothing was selected in the item list, search results, and the See Also & Classify inspector. Fixed.
  • The Info popover was incorrectly positioned when used with the Tags filter pane.
  • Adding tags via the Tags bar and Tags field of the Generic Info inspector didn't behave the same, e.g., when adding nested tags. Fixed.
  • Clicking all but the first tag in the Tags filter pane with the Control key held removed the tag instead of showing the contextual menu. Fixed.
  • The Activity pane wasn't shown in main windows after viewing media files or files requiring Quick Look to display. Fixed.
  • Some interface elements showed cosmetic artifacts, e.g., when switching between macOS' light and dark modes while DEVONthink was running.
  • Colors wells, e.g., in the Color preferences would sometimes display only as black. Fixed.
  • After editing a rich text annotation file in the Annotations & Reminders > Annotations inspector, the formatting was incorrectly applied to subsequent edits in other rich text documents. Fixed.
  • Scrolling and selections in the Table of Contents inspector didn't always work consistently. Fixed.
  • When using a sheet with Link columns, the Document > Links inspector didn't display the outgoing links. Fixed.
  • Documents weren't marked as modified after deleting annotations, attachments, or links in rich text and Markdown documents via the Document inspectors. Fixed.
  • Some internal document metadata, e.g., the geolocation, could affect suggestions in the See Also & Classify inspector. Fixed.
  • In rare cases, the Search inspector didn't always get the correct number of occurrences. Fixed.
  • After changing the View Text Size in the General > Appearance preferences, the See Also & Classify inspector didn't immediately update. Fixed.
  • Duplicating an ordinary tag incorrectly duplicated the child documents, leading to database inconsistencies. Fixed.
  • After deleting tags from a database, the tags weren't removed from indexed items in the Finder. Fixed.
  • A document's geolocation wasn't stored if no other document properties existed. Fixed.
  • A document captured from an online PDF viewed in DEVONthink had a thumbnail with a transparent background in modern versions of macOS. Fixed.
  • The Tools > Create Metadata Overview command incorrectly included some types of internal metadata. Fixed.
  • Moving a replicated item to the trash, then returning it to its database from the unified trash removed all its other instances. Fixed.
  • Using undo after moving a top-level indexed item to the trash caused it to be imported if the hidden preference EnableAutomaticConsolidation was enabled. Fixed.
  • In rare cases, a networked volume could be incorrectly rescanned when indexing items on it. Fixed.
  • Some rare crashes could be caused by popovers, the Search inspector, or undo/redo. Fixed.
  • The alert regarding databases detected in cloud synced folders was sometimes incorrect.
  • The Stop evaluating rules smart rule action didn't work properly. Fixed.
  • RSS articles and relative links didn't work with the AppleScript command get record at. Fixed.
Fixed (Pro)
  • Sheets displayed as forms didn't always show correctly in dark mode when Preferences > General > Appearance > Use dark background for documents was disabled. Fixed.
  • The wrong cursor was shown when reordering custom metadata via drag-and-drop in Preferences > Data. Fixed.
  • Searches for custom metadata using the matches operator sometimes could return too many results. This also affected smart rules and smart groups. Fixed.
Fixed (Server)
  • Importing password-protected .p12 and .pfx files in Preferences > Server > General could crash DEVONthink on the latest versions of macOS. Fixed.
  • Conversion of version 1.x and 2.x Personal databases is no longer supported.
  • Removed the script Import > Del.icio.us.

DEVONthink for Mac

In English
Version 3.9.7
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(10 Reviews of DEVONthink)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Feb 10 2023
Feb 10 2023
Version: 3.9
while I wanted to use "Mercedes" of Notes using, organizing and storing application, I better call it a proper and better comparison of my favorite Lincoln Town Car, which I used to own 1985-1994, which was and is The Best Automobile ever, together with Caddilac of that time. DEVONthink is not just an application of sorting and organizing. It's a powerful Engine that nothing comes even close. Even 10 stars is too little for its rating.
Dec 5 2022
Dec 5 2022
Version: 3.8.7
wow! monster update version 3.8.7. fixes, updates, new features..! That a lot and lot of work. Still the best and no rivals. Thank you DT !
Jun 22 2022
Jun 22 2022
Version: 3.8.3
v3.4.8 is out. It has many new features and fixes, too long to list in a comment.
Mar 4 2021
Mar 4 2021
Version: 3.6.3
I have used this since 1.0 and can say it is the most useful organizer for large amounts of text and PDFs that I have found. I store several thousand 2000+ word articles and I can find anything I want as well as articles that are related that I would not have thought of. Indispensable!
Aug 13 2020
Aug 13 2020
Version: 3.5.2
Feb 10 2023
Feb 10 2023
Version: 3.9
Oct 7 2021
Oct 7 2021
Version: 3.8
Nov 26 2020
Nov 26 2020
Version: null
Aug 13 2020
Aug 13 2020
Version: null
May 18 2019
May 18 2019
Version: null
May 1 2019
May 1 2019
Version: null
Ervins Strauhmanis
Ervins Strauhmanis
Apr 26 2019
Apr 26 2019
Version: null
Jan 11 2030
Jan 11 2030
Version: 3.6.3