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Timer Utility for Mac

Timing Utility.

In English
Version 1.0.1
Based on 1 user rate

Timer Utility overview

Timer Utility is an all-in-one timing tool that brings alarms, timers, and stopwatches to your Mac. We take it one mega step further with actions to create powerful workflows customized to your liking.


  • Alarms - Set a time, choose which day or days of the week, and you’re all set. Create as many alarms as you’d like to suit your needs. It’s that simple.
  • Timers - Creating timers is easy and intuitive. You can create and link other timers together to create workflows or customized timing sequences.
  • Stopwatches - Creating high-precision stopwatches is fast and easy. Select the desired accuracy or precision setting to suit your needs. You can create multiple concurrent stopwatches without sacrificing performance or system resources.

What’s new in version 1.0.1

Version 1.0.1:
  • Minor bug fixes

Timer Utility for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.1
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(2 Reviews of Timer Utility)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Jun 30 2019
Jun 30 2019
Version: 1.0.0
It's been more than two months since I emailed Juan my initial critique of this app, and not so much as a minimal incremental update has been released. Timer Utility just plain doesn't work, and if it's really an ongoing project it should be updating on a regular basis.
Apr 23 2019
Apr 23 2019
Version: 1.0.0
Hmmm... I wonder if juanroacan (who has rated this app) is the same Juan Roa who developed the original Timer Utility and has now developed this new incarnation and given his own app 5 stars?

At any rate, I"m now using InerziaTimer which isn't as functional as this app, but it suits my purposes, it's 64 bit, and it's FREE.
Apr 22 2019
Apr 22 2019
Version: null