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HomeMusic & AudioCalmusComposer

CalmusComposer for Mac

Real time music composition.

In English
Version 4.4

CalmusComposer overview

CalmusComposer is an innovative tool for musical compositions that allows you to compose music - even in real time. It generates/composes music from the input created by the user - or generates music by itself by using the internal library/memory as a musical material for the compositions

CALMUS includes various compositional methods to modify and transfer musical ideas - using vide range of composition tools and methods for both traditional notations (MidiFile) and electronic MIDI devices and software. The program is constructed to compose various type of music, providing functions and options to handle them using artificial intelligence functions

What’s new in version 4.4

  • Shorter composing time
  • New Objects library
  • Improved JukeBox (automated composition)
  • Better devuration and articulation

CalmusComposer for Mac

In English
Version 4.4
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