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Vocabagility for Mac

Flashcard emulator.

In English
Version 1.1

Vocabagility overview

Vocabagility provides you with a flashcard method combined with Visualisation and Association Cards are selected and shuffled, one side is shown. As quick and easy as using a pack of real cards in your pocket. The system also encourages you to invent an amusing mental image linking the question and answer (Visualization and Association). The hint facility helps you to recall and reinforce that image (or edit it) when you need to. Cards that you're not certain about have a greater probability of being shown. This is an effective system for learning vocabulary / phrases for any language but could be used for learning other things too.

What’s new in version 1.1

Version 1.0
  • When sounds are being used, interface is a bit more synchronized with the sounds when the keyboard shortcut is used for 'show hint' then pressing the same key again dismisses the popup the alert at the end of a session gives you some stats and a custom 'good job' message allows you to add / edit the hint or the whole card during a session

Vocabagility for Mac

In English
Version 1.1
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