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BeatMark 2 for Mac

Mark audio's beat for Final Cut Pro X.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

BeatMark 2 overview

BeatMark 2 is an automatic music beats marker for Final Cut Pro X. Using BeatMark 2 is very simple: just drag the song that you want to analyze, set the number of frames per second for the project that you want to create, and then press the "BeatMark 2" button. BeatMark 2 produces an .FCPXML file in the same folder of the song. In Final Cut Pro X, select the library where you want to create your project, simply import this file (File> Import> XML) and select the file with FCPXML extension. Right after, Final Cut Pro X will present a project with the song and the markers placed in exact correspondence with the music beats.

What’s new in version 2.0.4

Version 2.0.4:

Upgrade pricing available here.

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
View older BeatMark 2 versions

BeatMark 2 for Mac

In English
Version 2.0.4
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(1 Reviews of BeatMark 2)

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  • User Ratings

Mar 30 2020
Mar 30 2020
Version: 2.0.4
Sorry guys, your app is quiet ok, but your price written 3.99 ... that become somehow 14.99 when you want to buy it ! What's that ?!!! And then you click somewhere else : "Upgrade pricing available HERE" and then it become ... 7.99 ?!! Would please you make up your mind and properly write the price from the first time ? It really feels like a commercial abuse ... and i think it is.
Mar 30 2020
Mar 30 2020
Version: null