Pixatool allows you to get 8bit/Pixel style images or videos, optimize your PixelArt or just adding some cool effects. Also PixaTool is able to convert images into ASCII/ANSI art exported in images (.PNG).
- All effects works with the palette colors limitation.
- All features supported on Win/Mac/Linux.
- Basic color reduction using posterize.
- Basic FX: Contrast, Brightness, Sharpen, Blur, and Gamma.
- Special FX: ASCII-ART, Radial and Hexagonal Pixelation.
- Pixelate image until 12x (Separated Width/Height).
- Add/Remove RGB values from the overall image.
- Overall Dithering: Checks, Dots, Triangles, and Stripes.
- Bayer Dithering: 2x4x8x for Predefined and Custom pals.
- Dither modes: Normal, Additive, XOR, and Source Atop.
- Dither Blur available for overall dithering.
- Open files from local/internet or dropping in the app.
- Set palettes: NES, Gameboy, CPC, C64, Pico8, and DB16.
- Create your own 32 color palette (Saved with presets).
- With Ctrl pressed, on pick color, sets auto next color slot.
- Exports Image and Video at 1280x720 max resolution.
- Save/Load Presets and custom palette if any.
- Batch processing for 720p images.