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Recipes Temia for Mac

Electronic cookbook.

In English
Version 2.01.14
Based on 1 user rate

Recipes Temia overview

Recipes Temia is an electronic cookbook, with an infinite number of pages. The program is designed to maintain the database of recipes to cook any products. The program is daily filled with recipes from our customers and contains recipes for all occasions.

All recipes have a uniform style, which simplifies the understanding of the method of cooking. Each recipe has a description, list of ingredients, difficulty level, category food, cooking method, cooking time and calories. Also an author of dishes, as well as comments from the author and rating of dishes. The most important part of the program is the obligatory presence of photos of a finished dish, as well as its cooking steps. Each step of cooking has a number of steps, photo, used in this step ingredients and description.

For your convenience, the size of a displayed recipe steps can be set by a user. Thus, all the steps of a recipe can be displayed on a screen at once. Also, each recipe can be opened in a separate window. It is possible in the program to search recipes on the set parameters (category food, cooking method, cooking time, number of calories, title, chosen product). An important feature is the ability to search recipes by the products You have!

What’s new in version 2.01.14

Version 2.01.14:
  • Foto-Player

Recipes Temia for Mac

In English
Version 2.01.14
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(2 Reviews of Recipes Temia)

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  • User Ratings

Mar 10 2025
Mar 10 2025
Version: 2.01.14
Version 2.01.14 of Recipes Temia is unusable on Mac OS 12 (Monterey) because the character encoding in the data part (not the interface) is not in UTF 8 encoding. So, in French, all accents, cedillas and other diacritical marks are displayed as illegible characters. It's probably the same for all languages other than US English... It would be great to correct this error! It's not just the American Way of Life!
Aug 29 2017
Aug 29 2017
Version: 2.01.07
This program has an interesting twist to it. It seems to store all of his recipes remotely and some large database, somewhere in Western Europe. The database of recipes is built by the users so that when users enter recipe into their personal copy, it gets shared with all other users of the program. That includes your user profile. There is no indication that there is a fee for using the program. What a scratch that some of my concerns include the source of the recipes are added by users, because they could be from cookbooks or other copyrighted material, and the user's privacy. There doesn't seem to be any thing in place that addresses either one of these issues. Other than that it seems like a good basic recipe product at an attractive price.
Mar 10 2025
Mar 10 2025
Version: 2.01.14