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Kerberos Ticket Autorenewal for Mac

Update your Kerberos tickets.

In English
Version 1.2.4

Kerberos Ticket Autorenewal overview

Kerberos Ticket Auto renewal is commonly used in corporate environments as a mechanism behind Single Sign-On (SSO) which allows to use intranet resources without entering password every time.

  • Automatic Ticket Renewal - if a ticket expires (or disappears for any reason) the app will instantly get another one using the password saved in Keychain.
  • If you choose not to save any password for the ticket, the app will still use passwordless renewal (`kinit -R`) when possible, keeping the ticket actual until maximum renewable lifetime of the ticket runs out.
  • Changing Expired Password - displays notification when Kerberos password expires and allows to change it.
  • Multiple tickets can be maintained.
  • Can optionally prevent others apps from changing the default ticket.

What’s new in version 1.2.4

  • Apple Silicon support

Kerberos Ticket Autorenewal for Mac

In English
Version 1.2.4
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