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SG Project Pro for Mac

Complete project management solution.

In English
Version 5.16

SG Project Pro overview

SG Project Pro is the flagship of the SG suite and provides a complete project management solution including task-based planning, management of issues, risks, action items, and costs, as well as powerful and beautiful reporting. It excels at managing multiple concurrent projects and team members in ways that no other project management app does.

  • Manage multiple active projects
  • See a quick overview of all Projects, Reports, and People
  • Create task schedules with table and Gantt views
  • Critical Path highlighting
  • Person Task Loading Analysis
  • Net Line showing project completion relative to now
  • Optionally show task WBS number on screen and reports
  • Set and view Task Baseline Start/End/Cost with chart view and reporting
  • Create all types of task links including FS, SS, FF, and SF
  • Use chart gestures including jump-to-task, pinch-to-zoom, and resize task
  • Build custom Work Schedules for projects and tasks
  • Create and manage Issues, Risks, and Action Items for each project
  • Manage project costs including labor and material costs
  • Produce customized reports for projects and team members
  • Fine-tune your reports with dozens of options
  • Create Multi-Person Reports in addition to Multi-Project
  • Email a variety of PDF reports directly to the project team or stakeholders
  • Share data to and from MS Project using XML files
  • Share and back up data easily using Dropbox or WebDAV
  • Share project data with all other SG apps on iPad, Mac, and iPhone

What’s new in version 5.16

Version 5.16:
  • Fixed issue with Task Selection on Catalina

SG Project Pro for Mac

In English
Version 5.16
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