I purchased this as an alternative to ADSR Sample manager. Sample manager had crashing issues on my computer and seemed to lack a means to delete duplicate samples. Samplism runs well. It sorts samples reasonably well and auto tags them. But, there is no manual. I can find no explanation of how to manually tag samples. If you import samples from a well known sample provider, Samplism sees that manufacturer as a "label" and groups your samples with the other items entered from that label. But if your samples come from a label that Samplism had not been programmed to recognize, they get thrown into a catch-al "Unknown Label" category. I'd like to be able to enter a label name for some of these and correct that. Maybe I can, but I can't find out how. The webpage for the program promises a video manual, but that post has been up for some time, with no action. It does handle my several TB of samples that I have collected over 20+ years, but the lack of ease to edit labels, makes it impossible for me to recommend.